Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright 2015-2018 by Exopy Authors, see AUTHORS for more details.
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD license.
# The full license is in the file LICENCE, distributed with this software.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"""Plugin centralizing the application error handling.

import logging
from collections import defaultdict
from inspect import cleandoc
from pprint import pformat
from textwrap import fill

import enaml
from atom.api import List, Typed, Int
from enaml.workbench.api import Plugin
from enaml.application import deferred_call

from .errors import ErrorHandler
from ...utils.traceback import format_exc, format_tb
from ...utils.plugin_tools import ExtensionsCollector, make_extension_validator

with enaml.imports():
    from enaml.stdlib.message_box import warning
    from .widgets import ErrorsDialog, UnknownErrorWidget


logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ErrorsPlugin(Plugin): """Plugin in charge of collecting of the errors. It will always log the errors, and will notify the user according to their type. """ #: Errors for which a custom handler is registered. errors = List()
[docs] def start(self): """Collect extensions. """ checker = make_extension_validator(ErrorHandler, ('handle',)) self._errors_handlers = ExtensionsCollector(workbench=self.workbench, point=ERR_HANDLER_POINT, ext_class=ErrorHandler, validate_ext=checker) self._errors_handlers.start() self._update_errors(None) self._errors_handlers.observe('contributions', self._update_errors)
[docs] def stop(self): """Stop the extension collector and clear the list of handlers. """ self._errors_handlers.unobserve('contributions', self._update_errors) self._errors_handlers.stop() self.errors = []
[docs] def signal(self, kind, **kwargs): """Signal an error occured in the system. Parameters ---------- kind : unicode or None Kind of error which occurred. If a specific handler is found, it is used, otherwise the generic handling method is used. **kwargs : Arguments to pass to the error handler. """ if self._gathering_counter: self._delayed[kind].append(kwargs) return widget = self._handle(kind, kwargs) if widget: # Show dialog in application modal mode dial = ErrorsDialog(errors={kind: widget}) deferred_call(dial.exec_)
[docs] def report(self, kind=None): """Show a widget summarizing all the errors. Parameters ---------- kind : unicode, optional If specified only the error related to the specified kind will be reported. """ handlers = self._errors_handlers.contributions errors = {} if kind: if kind not in handlers: msg = '''{} is not a registered error kind (it has no associated handler)'''.format(kind) self.signal('error', message=cleandoc(msg).replace('\n', ' ')) return handlers = {kind: handlers[kind]} for kind in handlers: report = handlers[kind].report(self.workbench) if report: errors[kind] = report dial = ErrorsDialog(errors=errors) dial.exec_()
[docs] def enter_error_gathering(self): """In gathering mode, error handling is differed till exiting the mode. """ self._gathering_counter += 1
[docs] def exit_error_gathering(self): """Upon leaving gathering mode, errors are handled. If error handling should lead to a window display, all widgets are collected and displayed in a single window. As the gathering mode can be requested many times, the errors are only handled when this method has been called as many times as its counterpart. """ self._gathering_counter -= 1 if self._gathering_counter < 1: # Make sure to also gather additional errors signal during errors # handling self._gathering_counter += 1 # Handle all delayed errors errors = {} while self._delayed: delayed = self._delayed.copy() self._delayed.clear() for kind in delayed: res = self._handle(kind, delayed[kind]) if res: errors[kind] = res self._gathering_counter = 0 if errors: dial = ErrorsDialog(errors=errors) deferred_call(dial.exec_)
[docs] def install_excepthook(self): """Setup a global sys.excepthook for a nicer user experience. The error message suggest to the user to restart the app. In the future adding an automatic bug report system here would make sense. """ def exception_handler(cls, value, traceback): """Log the error and signal to the user that it should restart the app. """ msg = 'An uncaught exception occured :\n%s : %s\nTraceback:\n%s' logger.error(msg % (cls.__name__, value, ''.join(format_tb(traceback)))) ui = self.workbench.get_plugin('enaml.workbench.ui') msg = ('An uncaught exception occured. This should not happen ' 'and can have a number of side effects. It is hence ' 'advised to save your work and restart the application.') warning(ui.window, 'Consider restart', fill(msg)) import sys sys.excepthook = exception_handler
# ========================================================================= # --- Private API --------------------------------------------------------- # ========================================================================= #: Contributed error handlers. _errors_handlers = Typed(ExtensionsCollector) #: Counter keeping track of how many times the gathering mode was entered #: the mode is exited only when the value reaches 0. _gathering_counter = Int() #: List of pairs (kind, kwargs) representing the error reports received #: while the gathering mode was active. _delayed = Typed(defaultdict, (list,)) def _update_errors(self, change): """Update the list of supported errors when the registered handlers change """ self.errors = list(self._errors_handlers.contributions) def _handle(self, kind, infos): """Dispatch error report to appropriate handler. """ if kind in self._errors_handlers.contributions: handler = self._errors_handlers.contributions[kind] try: return handler.handle(self.workbench, infos) except Exception: try: msg = ('Failed to handle %s error, infos were:\n' % kind + pformat(infos) + '\nError was :\n' + format_exc()) except Exception: msg = ('Failed to handle %s error, and to ' % kind + 'format infos:\n' + format_exc()) core = self.workbench.get_plugin('enaml.workbench.core') core.invoke_command('', dict(kind='error', message=msg)) else: return self._handle_unknwon(kind, infos) def _handle_unknwon(self, kind, infos): """Generic handler for unregistered kind of errors. """ try: # Delayed handling of errors if not isinstance(infos, dict): msg = '\n\n'.join((pformat(i) for i in infos)) else: msg = pformat(infos) except Exception: msg = 'Failed to format the errors infos.\n' + format_exc() logger.debug('No handler found for "%s" kind of error:\n %s', kind, msg) return UnknownErrorWidget(kind=kind, msg=msg)