Source code for exopy.measurement.workspace.measurement_tracking

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright 2015-2018 by Exopy Authors, see AUTHORS for more details.
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD license.
# The full license is in the file LICENCE, distributed with this software.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"""Thread-loke object keeping track of the last edited measurement.

from time import sleep
from threading import Thread, Lock, Event

import enaml
from atom.api import Atom, Value, List, Typed

from ..measurement import Measurement

with enaml.imports():
    from .measurement_edition import MeasurementEditorDockItem
    from .tools_edition import ToolsEditorDockItem

MEASURE_PARENTS = (MeasurementEditorDockItem, ToolsEditorDockItem)

[docs]class MeasurementTracker(Atom): """Object responsible for tracking the currently edited measurement. The tracking relies on the last focus that got focus. """
[docs] def start(self, measurement): """Start the working thread. """ self._selected = measurement self._should_stop.clear() self._buffer_empty.set() self._thread = Thread( self._thread.daemon = True self._thread.start()
[docs] def stop(self): """Stop the working thread. """ self._should_stop.set() self._queue_not_empty.set() # So that the working thread stop waiting self._thread.join()
[docs] def enqueue(self, widget): """Enqueue a newly selected widget. """ with self._lock: self._queue.append(widget) self._queue_not_empty.set()
[docs] def run(self): """Method called by the working thread. """ while True: self._queue_not_empty.wait() if self._should_stop.is_set(): break with self._lock: self._buffer_empty.clear() self._buffer.extend(self._queue[::-1]) self._queue = [] self._queue_not_empty.clear() for w in self._buffer[::-1]: selected = None for p in w.traverse_ancestors(): if isinstance(p, MEASURE_PARENTS): selected = p.measurement break if selected is not None: self._selected = selected break if (self._queue_not_empty.is_set() or self._should_stop.is_set()): break self._buffer = [] self._buffer_empty.set()
[docs] def get_selected_measurement(self): """Get the currently selected measurement. The measurement is returned only when thread in done processing the enqueued widgets. """ while True: self._buffer_empty.wait() if self._queue_not_empty.is_set(): # Cannot be tested in a perfectly deterministic way sleep(0.05) # pragma: no cover else: break return self._selected
[docs] def set_selected_measurement(self, measurement): """Set the currently selected measurement. This is used when the selected measurement does not result from focusing. """ while True: self._buffer_empty.wait() if self._queue_not_empty.is_set(): # Cannot be tested in a perfectly deterministic way sleep(0.05) # pragma: no cover else: break self._selected = measurement
# --- Private API --------------------------------------------------------- #: Background thread processing the last selection. _thread = Value() #: Lock ensuring the thread-safety when modifying the queue. _lock = Value(factory=Lock) #: Widgets that got focus and that have not yet been analysed. _queue = List() #: Widgets that got focus and that can be discarded if a selected #: measurement is found. _buffer = List() #: Event used to signal the working thread it should stop. _should_stop = Value(factory=Event) #: Event used to signal the working thread some widgets are waiting to be #: analysed _queue_not_empty = Value(factory=Event) #: Event signaling that the thread has processed its current buffer. _buffer_empty = Value(factory=Event) #: Current answer to the get_selected_measurement query. _selected = Typed(Measurement)