exopy.tasks.tasks.validators module

Validators for feval members.

class exopy.tasks.tasks.validators.Feval[source]

Bases: atom.atom.Atom

Object hanlding the validation of feval tagged member.


Allowed types for the result of the evaluation of the member.


Should the validator propagate an error or simply warn the user.

check(task_or_interface, member)[source]

Validate the feval formula.

should_test(task, str_value)[source]

Should the value actually be tested given its value and the task.

validate(task, value)[source]

Validate that the value resulting from the evaluation makes sense.

class exopy.tasks.tasks.validators.SkipEmpty[source]

Bases: exopy.tasks.tasks.validators.Feval

Specialized validator skipping empty fields.

should_test(task, str_value)[source]

Only test if a formula is provided.

class exopy.tasks.tasks.validators.SkipLoop[source]

Bases: exopy.tasks.tasks.validators.Feval

Specialized validator skipping empty field if task is embedded inside a LoopTask.

should_test(task, str_value)[source]

Only test if not embedded in a LoopTask.