exopy.tasks.utils.building module

This module implements command handler related to building tasks.


Open a dialog to include a task in a task hierarchy.

This function is meant to be used as a Command handler. Parameters are passed through the parameters attributes of the event object.

  • parent_ui (optional) – Optional parent widget for the dialog.

  • future_parent (BaseTask) – Future parent of the task

  • Returns

  • -------

  • task (BaseTask) – Task selected by the user to be added to a hierarchy.

exopy.tasks.utils.building.build_task_from_config(config, build_dep, as_root=False)[source]

Rebuild a task hierarchy from a dictionary.

  • config (dict) – Dictionary representing the task hierarchy.

  • build_dep (Workbench or dict) – Source of the build dependencies of the hierarchy. This can either be the application workbench or a dict of dependencies.

  • as_root (bool, optional) – Allow to force building a ComplexTask as a RootTask


task – Newly built task.

Return type



RuntimeError : – Raised if a dependency cannot be collected.


Create a new RootTask.

This function is meant to be used as a Command handler. Parameters are passed through the parameters attributes of the event object.

  • mode ({'from config', 'from template'}) – Whether to use the given config, or look for one in templates or a file.

  • config (configobj.Section) – Object holding the informations necessary to build the root task.

  • widget (optional) – Optional parent widget for the dialog (‘from template’ mode only).

  • build_dep (optional) – Optionnal dict containing the build dependencies.

  • Returns

  • -------

  • task (RootTask) –