exopy.utils.widgets.dict_editor module

Template to edit a dictionary content.

This is a simplified version of a list editor automatically handling the adding removing of keys and syncing by re-assigning the dict to the underlying model. This is fit only for editing dict holding standard python types.

class exopy.utils.widgets.dict_editor.FieldFieldCompleterEditor(parent=None, **kwargs)

Bases: enaml.widgets.container.Container

Possible content for the Dictionary Editor containing a pair of key-value Fields (String-like fields) where the second one has the line-completer.

It expects the model to declare either the entries or entries_updater function and to declare an evaluator_tooltip.


A value which allows objects of a given type or types.

Values will be tested using the PyObject_IsInstance C API call. This call is equivalent to isinstance(value, kind) and all the same rules apply.

The value of an Instance may be set to None.

class exopy.utils.widgets.dict_editor.FieldFieldEditor(parent=None, **kwargs)

Bases: enaml.widgets.container.Container

Possible content for the Dictionary Editor containing a pair of key-value Fields (String-like fields).


A value which allows objects of a given type or types.

Values will be tested using the PyObject_IsInstance C API call. This call is equivalent to isinstance(value, kind) and all the same rules apply.

The value of an Instance may be set to None.

class exopy.utils.widgets.dict_editor.Pair(**kwargs)

Bases: atom.atom.Atom

Base model to represent a key/value pair of a dictionary.


A member class which supports value initialization.

A plain Value provides support for default values and factories, but does not perform any type checking or validation. It serves as a useful base class for scalar members and can be used for cases where type checking is not needed (like private attributes).


A value which is callable.


A member class which supports value initialization.

A plain Value provides support for default values and factories, but does not perform any type checking or validation. It serves as a useful base class for scalar members and can be used for cases where type checking is not needed (like private attributes).