Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright 2015-2018 by Exopy Authors, see AUTHORS for more details.
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD license.
# The full license is in the file LICENCE, distributed with this software.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"""Preferences plugin definition.

from __future__ import (division, unicode_literals, print_function,

import os
from atom.api import Unicode, Typed, Dict
from enaml.workbench.api import Plugin
from configobj import ConfigObj
from functools import partial

from .preferences import Preferences

MODULE_PATH = os.path.dirname(__file__)


[docs]class PrefPlugin(Plugin): """Plugin responsible for managing the application preferences. """ #: Folder used by the application to store informations such as preferences #: log files, ... app_directory = Unicode() #: Path of the last location visited using a dialog. last_directory = Unicode()
[docs] def start(self): """Start the plugin, locate app folder and load default preferences. """ app_path = ConfigObj(os.path.join(MODULE_PATH, 'app_directory.ini'), encoding='utf-8')['app_path'] self.app_directory = app_path self._prefs = ConfigObj(encoding='utf8', default_encoding='utf8', indent_type=' ') pref_path = os.path.join(app_path, 'preferences') if not os.path.isdir(pref_path): os.mkdir(pref_path) self._prefs.filename = os.path.join(pref_path, 'default.ini') if os.path.isfile(self._prefs.filename): self._prefs.reload() self._refresh_pref_decls() self._bind_observers()
[docs] def stop(self): """Stop the plugin. """ self._unbind_observers() self._pref_decls.clear() del self._prefs
[docs] def save_preferences(self, path=None): """Collect and save preferences for all registered plugins. Parameters ---------- path : unicode, optional Path of the file in which save the preferences. In its absence the default file is used. """ if path is None: path = os.path.join(self.app_directory, 'preferences', 'default.ini') prefs = ConfigObj(path, encoding='utf-8', indent_type=' ') for plugin_id in self._pref_decls: plugin = self.workbench.get_plugin(plugin_id) decl = self._pref_decls[plugin_id] save_method = getattr(plugin, decl.saving_method) prefs[plugin_id] = save_method() prefs.write()
[docs] def load_preferences(self, path=None): """Load preferences and update all registered plugin. Parameters ---------- path : unicode, optional Path to the file storing the preferences. In its absence default preferences are loaded. """ if path is None: path = os.path.join(self.app_directory, 'preferences', 'default.ini') if not os.path.isfile(path): return prefs = ConfigObj(path, encoding='utf-8', indent_type=' ') self._prefs.merge(prefs) for plugin_id in prefs: if plugin_id in self._pref_decls: plugin = self.workbench.get_plugin(plugin_id, force_create=False) if plugin: decl = self._pref_decls[plugin_id] load_method = getattr(plugin, decl.loading_method) load_method(prefs[plugin_id])
[docs] def plugin_init_complete(self, plugin_id): """Notify the preference plugin that a plugin has started properly. The associated command should be called by a plugin once it has started and loaded its preferences. This call is necessary to avoid overriding values for auto-save members by default values. Parameters ---------- plugin_id : str Id of the plugin which has started. """ plugin = self.workbench.get_plugin(plugin_id) pref_decl = self._pref_decls[plugin_id] for member in pref_decl.auto_save: # Custom observer which does not rely on the fact that the object # in the change dictionnary is a plugin observer = partial(self._auto_save_update, plugin_id) plugin.observe(member, observer)
[docs] def get_plugin_preferences(self, plugin_id): """Access to the preferences values stored for a plugin. Parameters ---------- plugin_id : unicode Id of the plugin whose preferences values should be returned. Returns ------- prefs : dict(str, str) Preferences for the plugin as a dict. """ if plugin_id not in self._pref_decls: msg = 'Plugin %s is not registered in the preferences system' raise KeyError(msg % plugin_id) if plugin_id in self._prefs: return self._prefs[plugin_id] return {}
[docs] def open_editor(self): """ """ pass
# TODO here must build all editors from declaration, open dialog # and manage the update if the user validate. # ========================================================================= # ---- Private API -------------------------------------------------------- # ========================================================================= #: ConfigObj object in which the preferences are stored as strings _prefs = Typed(ConfigObj) #: Mapping between plugin_id and the declared preferences. _pref_decls = Dict() # TODO : low priority : refcator using Declarator pattern def _refresh_pref_decls(self): """Refresh the list of states contributed by extensions. """ workbench = self.workbench point = workbench.get_extension_point(PREFS_POINT) extensions = point.extensions # If no extension remain clear everything if not extensions: self._pref_decls.clear() return # Map extension to preference declaration new_ids = dict() old_ids = self._pref_decls for extension in extensions: if extension.plugin_id in old_ids: pref = old_ids[extension.plugin_id] else: pref = self._load_pref_decl(extension) new_ids[extension.plugin_id] = pref self._pref_decls = new_ids def _load_pref_decl(self, extension): """Get the Preferences contributed by an extension Parameters ---------- extension : Extension Extension contributing to the pref extension point. Returns ------- pref_decl : Preferences Preference object contributed by the extension. """ # Getting the pref declaration contributed by the extension, either # as a child or returned by the factory. Only the first state is # considered. workbench = self.workbench prefs = extension.get_children(Preferences) if extension.factory is not None and not prefs: pref = extension.factory(workbench) if not isinstance(pref, Preferences): msg = "extension '%s' created non-Preferences of type '%s'" args = (extension.qualified_id, type(pref).__name__) raise TypeError(msg % args) else: pref = prefs[0] return pref def _auto_save_update(self, plugin_id, change): """Observer for the auto-save members Parameters ---------- plugin_id : str Id of the plugin owner of the member being observed change : dict Change dictionnary given by Atom """ name = change['name'] value = change['value'] if plugin_id in self._prefs: self._prefs[plugin_id][name] = value else: self._prefs[plugin_id] = {name: value} self._prefs.write() def _on_pref_decls_updated(self, change): """The observer for the preferences extension point """ self._refresh_pref_decls() def _bind_observers(self): """Setup the observers for the plugin. """ workbench = self.workbench point = workbench.get_extension_point(PREFS_POINT) point.observe('extensions', self._on_pref_decls_updated) def _unbind_observers(self): """Remove the observers for the plugin. """ workbench = self.workbench point = workbench.get_extension_point(PREFS_POINT) point.unobserve('extensions', self._on_pref_decls_updated)