Source code for exopy.measurement.monitors.text_monitor.rules.base

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright 2015-2018 by Exopy Authors, see AUTHORS for more details.
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD license.
# The full license is in the file LICENCE, distributed with this software.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"""Rules allow to defines some automatic handling of database entries in the

from __future__ import (division, unicode_literals, print_function,

from inspect import cleandoc

from future.utils import python_2_unicode_compatible
from atom.api import Unicode, List, Dict
from enaml.core.api import Declarative, d_

from .....utils.traceback import format_exc
from .....utils.atom_util import HasPrefAtom
from .....utils.declarator import (Declarator, GroupDeclarator,

[docs]class BaseRule(HasPrefAtom): """Base class for all rules implementations. """ #: Name of the rule. id = Unicode().tag(pref=True) #: Quick description of what this rule is intended for. description = d_(Unicode()).tag(pref=True) #: List of database entries suffixes used to identify the entries which #: contributes to the rule. suffixes = List(default=['']).tag(pref=True) #: Id of the class used for persistence. class_id = Unicode().tag(pref=True)
[docs] def try_apply(self, new_entry, monitor): """ Attempt to apply the rule. Parameters ---------- new_entry : str Database path of the newly added entry. monitor : TextMonitor Instance of the text monitor trying to apply the rule. """ raise NotImplementedError()
def _default_class_id(self): """Default factory for the class_id attribute """ pack, _ = self.__module__.split('.', 1) return '.'.join((pack, type(self).__name__))
[docs]class Rules(GroupDeclarator): """Declarator used to group rules declarations. """ pass
[docs]@python_2_unicode_compatible class RuleType(Declarator): """Declarator used to contribute a text monitor rule. """ #: Path to the rule object. Path should be dot separated and the class #: name preceded by ':'. #: ex: exopy.measurement.monitors.text_monitor.std_rules:RejectRule #: The path of any parent GroupDeclarator object will be prepended to it. rule = d_(Unicode()) #: Path to the view object associated with the task. #: The path of any parent GroupDeclarator object will be prepended to it. view = d_(Unicode())
[docs] def register(self, collector, traceback): """Collect rule and view and store them into the DeclaratorCollector contributions member. The group declared by a parent if any is taken into account. """ # Determine the path to the task and view. path = self.get_path() try: r_path, rule = (path + '.' + self.rule if path else self.rule).split(':') v_path, view = (path + '.' + self.view if path else self.view).split(':') except ValueError: msg = 'Incorrect %s (%s), path must be of the form a.b.c:Class' if ':' in self.rule: err_id = r_path.split('.', 1)[0] + '.' + rule msg = msg % ('view', self.view) else: err_id = 'Error %d' % len(traceback) msg = msg % ('task', self.rule) traceback[err_id] = msg return # Build the rule id by assembling the package name and the class name rule_id = r_path.split('.', 1)[0] + '.' + rule # Check that the rule does not already exist. if rule_id in collector.contributions or rule_id in traceback: i = 1 while True: err_id = '%s_duplicate%d' % (rule_id, i) if err_id not in traceback: break msg = 'Duplicate definition of {}, found in {}' traceback[err_id] = msg.format(rule, r_path) return from .infos import RuleInfos r_infos = RuleInfos() # Get the rule class. rule_cls = import_and_get(r_path, rule, traceback, rule_id) if rule_cls is None: return try: r_infos.cls = rule_cls except TypeError: msg = '{} should a subclass of BaseRule.\n{}' traceback[rule_id] = msg.format(rule_cls, format_exc()) return # Get the rule view. rule_view = import_and_get(v_path, view, traceback, rule_id) if rule_view is None: return try: r_infos.view = rule_view except TypeError: msg = '{} should a subclass of BaseRuleView.\n{}' traceback[rule_id] = msg.format(rule_view, format_exc()) return collector.contributions[rule_id] = r_infos self.is_registered = True
[docs] def unregister(self, collector): """Remove contributed infos from the collector. """ if self.is_registered: # Remove infos. path = self.get_path() r_path, rule = (path + '.' + self.rule if path else self.rule).split(':') rule_id = r_path.split('.', 1)[0] + '.' + rule try: del collector.contributions[rule_id] except KeyError: pass self.is_registered = False
def __str__(self): """Nice string representation giving attributes values. """ msg = cleandoc('''{} with: rule: {}, view : {}''') pack, _ = self.__module__.split('.', 1) return msg.format(pack + '.' + type(self).__name__, self.rule, self.view)
[docs]class RuleConfig(Declarative): """Object to contribute a concrete rule. This rule will only be used if no user defined rule with the same name is defined. """ #: Id of this rule configuration this should be unique. id = d_(Unicode()) #: Quick description of what this rule is intended for. description = d_(Unicode()) #: Id of the rule to use. This is dot separated string containing the #: name of the package defining the rule type and the rule type name. rule_type = d_(Unicode()) #: Configuration dictionary to use to instantiate the rule config = d_(Dict())