Source code for exopy.tasks.declarations

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright 2015-2018 by Exopy Authors, see AUTHORS for more details.
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD license.
# The full license is in the file LICENCE, distributed with this software.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"""Enaml objects used to declare tasks and interfaces in a plugin manifest.

from __future__ import (division, unicode_literals, print_function,

from inspect import cleandoc

from future.utils import python_2_unicode_compatible
from atom.api import Unicode, List, Value, Dict, Property
from enaml.core.api import d_, d_func

from .infos import TaskInfos, InterfaceInfos, ConfigInfos
from ..utils.declarator import Declarator, GroupDeclarator, import_and_get
from ..utils.traceback import format_exc

[docs]def check_children(declarator): """Make sure that all the children of a declarator are interfaces. Returns ------- msg : unicode or None Error message if one wrongly-typed child was found or None """ # Check children type. if any(not isinstance(i, (Interface, Interfaces)) for i in declarator.children): msg = 'Only Interface can be declared as {} children not {}' for err in declarator.children: if not isinstance(err, Interface): break return msg.format(type(declarator).__name__, type(err))
[docs]class Tasks(GroupDeclarator): """GroupDeclarator for tasks. Tasks will be stored according to the group of their parent. """ pass
[docs]@python_2_unicode_compatible class Task(Declarator): """Declarator used to contribute a task. """ #: Path to the task object. Path should be dot separated and the class #: name preceded by ':'. #: ex: exopy.tasks.tasks.logic.loop_task:LoopTask #: The path of any parent GroupDeclarator object will be prepended to it. #: To update existing TaskInfos (only instruments and interfaces can be #: updated that way), one can specify the name of the top level package #: in which the task is defined followed by its name. #: ex: exopy.LoopTask task = d_(Unicode()) #: Path to the view object associated with the task. #: The path of any parent GroupDeclarator object will be prepended to it. view = d_(Unicode()) #: Metadata associated to the task. ex : loopable = True metadata = d_(Dict()) #: List of supported driver ids. instruments = d_(List()) #: Runtime dependencies analyser ids corresponding to the runtime #: dependencies of the task (there is no need to list the instruments #: related dependencies as those are handled in a different fashion). dependencies = d_(List()) #: Id of the task computed from the top-level package and the task name id = Property(cached=True)
[docs] def register(self, collector, traceback): """Collect task and view and add infos to the DeclaratorCollector contributions member. The group declared by a parent if any is taken into account. All Interface children are also registered. """ # Build the task id by assembling the package name and the class name task_id = # If the task only specifies a name update the matching infos. if ':' not in self.task: if self.task not in collector.contributions: collector._delayed.append(self) return infos = collector.contributions[task_id] infos.instruments.update(self.instruments) infos.dependencies.update(self.dependencies) infos.metadata.update(self.metadata) check = check_children(self) if check: traceback[task_id] = check return for i in self.children: i.register(collector, traceback) self.is_registered = True return # Determine the path to the task and view. path = self.get_path() try: t_path, task = (path + '.' + self.task if path else self.task).split(':') v_path, view = (path + '.' + self.view if path else self.view).split(':') except ValueError: msg = 'Incorrect %s (%s), path must be of the form a.b.c:Class' err_id = t_path.split('.', 1)[0] + '.' + task msg = msg % ('view', self.view) traceback[err_id] = msg return # Check that the task does not already exist. if task_id in collector.contributions or task_id in traceback: i = 1 while True: err_id = '%s_duplicate%d' % (task_id, i) if err_id not in traceback: break msg = 'Duplicate definition of {}, found in {}' traceback[err_id] = msg.format(task, t_path) return infos = TaskInfos(metadata=self.metadata, dependencies=self.dependencies, instruments=self.instruments) # Get the task class. t_cls = import_and_get(t_path, task, traceback, task_id) if t_cls is None: return try: infos.cls = t_cls except TypeError: msg = '{} should a subclass of BaseTask.\n{}' traceback[task_id] = msg.format(t_cls, format_exc()) return # Get the task view. t_view = import_and_get(v_path, view, traceback, task_id) if t_view is None: return try: infos.view = t_view except TypeError: msg = '{} should a subclass of BaseTaskView.\n{}' traceback[task_id] = msg.format(t_view, format_exc()) return # Check children type. check = check_children(self) if check: traceback[task_id] = check return # Add group and add to collector infos.metadata['group'] = self.get_group() collector.contributions[task_id] = infos # Register children. for i in self.children: i.register(collector, traceback) self.is_registered = True
[docs] def unregister(self, collector): """Remove contributed infos from the collector. """ if self.is_registered: # Unregister children. for i in self.children: i.unregister(collector) # If we were just extending the task, clean instruments. if ':' not in self.task: if self.task in collector.contributions: infos = collector.contributions[self.task] infos.instruments -= set(self.instruments) infos.dependencies -= set(self.dependencies) return # Remove infos. try: # Unparent remaining interfaces infos = collector.contributions[] for i in infos.interfaces.values(): i.parent = None del collector.contributions[] except KeyError: pass self.is_registered = False
def __str__(self): """Nice string representation giving attributes values. """ msg = cleandoc('''{} with: task: {}, view : {}, metadata: {} and instruments {} declaring : {}''') return msg.format(type(self).__name__, self.task, self.view, self.metadata, self.instruments, '\n'.join(' - {}'.format(c) for c in self.children)) def _get_id(self): """Create the unique identifier of the task using the top level package and the class name. """ if ':' in self.task: path = self.get_path() t_path, task = (path + '.' + self.task if path else self.task).split(':') # Build the task id by assembling the package name and the class # name return t_path.split('.', 1)[0] + '.' + task else: return self.task
[docs]class Interfaces(GroupDeclarator): """GroupDeclarator for interfaces. The group value is not used by interfaces. """ pass
[docs]@python_2_unicode_compatible class Interface(Declarator): """Declarator for task interfaces. An interface can be declared as a child of the task to which its contribute in which case the task member can be omitted. """ #: Path to the interface object. Path should be dot separated and the class #: name preceded by ':'. If only the interface name is provided it will be #: used to update the corresponding InterfaceInfos. #: Example : #: exopy.tasks.tasks.logic.loop_linspace_interface:LinspaceLoopInterface #: The path of any parent GroupDeclarator object will be prepended to it. interface = d_(Unicode()) #: Path or tuple of paths to the view objects associated with the interface #: The path of any parent GroupDeclarator object will be prepended to it. views = d_(Value(factory=list)) #: Name of the task/interfaces to which this interface contribute. If this #: interface contributes to a task then the task id is enough, if it #: contributes to an interface a list with the ids of the tasks and all #: intermediate interfaces id should be provided. #: When declared as a child of a Task/Interface the names are inferred from #: the parents. extended = d_(List()) #: List of supported driver names. instruments = d_(List()) #: Runtime dependencies analyser ids corresponding to the runtime #: dependencies of the interface (there is no need to list the instruments #: related dependencies as those are handled in a different fashion). dependencies = d_(List()) #: Id of the interface computed from the parents ids and the interface name id = Property(cached=True)
[docs] def register(self, collector, traceback): """Collect interface and views and add infos to the collector. """ # Update the extended list if necessary. if self.extended: pass elif isinstance(self.parent, Task): self.extended = [] elif isinstance(self.parent, Interface): parent = self.parent self.extended = (parent.extended + [':', 1)[-1]]) else: msg = 'No task/interface declared for {}' traceback[self.interface] = msg.format(self.interface) return # Get access to parent infos. try: parent_infos = collector.contributions[self.extended[0]] for n in self.extended[1::]: parent_infos = parent_infos.interfaces[n] except KeyError: collector._delayed.append(self) return i_id = # Simplified id not including the anchors s_id = i_id.rsplit(':', 1)[1] # If the interface only specifies a name update the matching infos. if ':' not in self.interface: if s_id not in parent_infos.interfaces: if self.views: msg = 'Incorrect %s (%s), path must be of the form %s' msg = msg % ('interface', self.interface, 'a.b.c:Class') traceback[i_id] = msg collector._delayed.append(self) return infos = parent_infos.interfaces[s_id] # Update instruments by copying to get the right post_setattr instrs = infos.instruments.copy() instrs.update(self.instruments) infos.instruments = instrs infos.dependencies.update(self.dependencies) check = check_children(self) if check: traceback[i_id] = check return for i in self.children: i.register(collector, traceback) self.is_registered = True return # Determine the path to the interface and views. path = self.get_path() vs = ([self.views] if not isinstance(self.views, (list, tuple)) else self.views) try: i_path, interface = (path + '.' + self.interface if path else self.interface).split(':') if path: vs = [path + '.' + v for v in vs] views = [v.split(':') for v in vs] if any(len(v) != 2 for v in views): raise ValueError() except ValueError: # If interface does not contain ':' it is assumed to be an # extension. msg = 'Incorrect %s (%s), path must be of the form a.b.c:Class' msg = msg % ('views', self.views) traceback[i_id] = msg return # Check that the interface does not already exists. if s_id in parent_infos.interfaces or i_id in traceback: i = 1 while True: err_id = '%s_duplicate%d' % (i_id, i) if err_id not in traceback: break msg = 'Duplicate definition of {}, found in {}' traceback[err_id] = msg.format(interface, i_path) return infos = InterfaceInfos(instruments=self.instruments, parent=parent_infos, dependencies=self.dependencies) # Get the interface class. i_cls = import_and_get(i_path, interface, traceback, i_id) if i_cls is None: return try: infos.cls = i_cls except TypeError: msg = '{} should a subclass of BaseInterface.\n{}' traceback[i_id] = msg.format(i_cls, format_exc()) return # Get the views. store = [] v_id = i_id counter = 1 for v_path, view in views: if v_id in traceback: v_id = i_id + '_%d' % counter counter += 1 view = import_and_get(v_path, view, traceback, v_id) if view is not None: store.append(view) if len(views) != len(store): # Some error occured return infos.views = store # Check children type. check = check_children(self) if check: traceback[i_id] = check return parent_infos.interfaces[s_id] = infos for i in self.children: i.register(collector, traceback) self.is_registered = True
[docs] def unregister(self, collector): """Remove contributed infos from the collector. """ if self.is_registered: try: parent_infos = collector.contributions[self.extended[0]] for n in self.extended[1::]: parent_infos = parent_infos.interfaces[n] except KeyError: return for i in self.children: i.unregister(collector) interface =':', 1)[-1] if ':' not in self.interface: if interface in parent_infos.interfaces: infos = parent_infos.interfaces[interface] infos.instruments = (infos.instruments - set(self.instruments)) infos.dependencies -= set(self.dependencies) return try: # Unparent remaining interfaces infos = parent_infos.interfaces[interface] for i in infos.interfaces.values(): i.parent = None del parent_infos.interfaces[interface] except KeyError: pass self.is_registered = False
def __str__(self): """Nice string representation giving attributes values. """ msg = cleandoc('''{} with: interface: {}, views : {}, extended: {}, instruments {} declaring : {}''') return msg.format(type(self).__name__, self.interface, self.views, self.extended, self.instruments, '\n'.join(' - {}'.format(c) for c in self.children)) def _get_id(self): """Create the unique identifier of the interface using the parents ids and the class name. """ if ':' in self.interface: path = self.get_path() i_path, interface = (path + '.' + self.interface if path else self.interface).split(':') # Build the interface name by assembling the package name and the # class name i_name = i_path.split('.', 1)[0] + '.' + interface else: i_name = self.interface return ':'.join(self.extended + [i_name])
[docs]class TaskConfigs(GroupDeclarator): """GroupDeclarator for task configs. """ pass
[docs]@python_2_unicode_compatible class TaskConfig(Declarator): """Declarator used to declare a task config. """ #: Path to the config object. Path should be dot separated and the class #: name preceded by ':'. #: ex: exopy.tasks.config.base_config:PyConfigTask #: The path of any parent GroupDeclarator object will be prepended to it. config = d_(Unicode()) #: Path to the view object associated with the task. #: The path of any parent GroupDeclarator object will be prepended to it. view = d_(Unicode()) #: Id of the config computed from the top-level package and the config name id = Property(cached=True)
[docs] @d_func def get_task_class(self): """Return the base task class this config is used for. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def register(self, collector, traceback): """Collect config and view and add infos to the DeclaratorCollector contributions member under the supported task name. """ # Determine the path to the config and view. path = self.get_path() try: c_path, config = (path + '.' + self.config if path else self.config).split(':') v_path, view = (path + '.' + self.view if path else self.view).split(':') except ValueError: msg = 'Incorrect %s (%s), path must be of the form a.b.c:Class' if ':' in self.config: msg = msg % ('view', self.view) else: msg = msg % ('config', self.config) traceback[] = msg return try: t_cls = self.get_task_class() except Exception: msg = 'Failed to get supported task : %s' traceback[] = msg % format_exc() return # Check that the configurer does not already exist. if in traceback: i = 1 while True: err_id = '%s_duplicate%d' % (config, i) if err_id not in traceback: break msg = 'Duplicate definition of {}, found in {}' traceback[err_id] = msg.format(t_cls, c_path) return if t_cls in collector.contributions: msg = 'Duplicate definition for {}, found in {}' traceback[] = msg.format(t_cls, c_path) return infos = ConfigInfos() # Get the config class. c_cls = import_and_get(c_path, config, traceback, if c_cls is None: return try: infos.cls = c_cls except TypeError: msg = '{} should a subclass of BaseTaskConfig.\n{}' traceback[] = msg.format(c_cls, format_exc()) return # Get the config view. view = import_and_get(v_path, view, traceback, if view is None: return try: infos.view = view except TypeError: msg = '{} should a subclass of BaseConfigView.\n{}' traceback[] = msg.format(view, format_exc()) return collector.contributions[t_cls] = infos self.is_registered = True
[docs] def unregister(self, collector): """Remove contributed infos from the collector. """ if self.is_registered: try: del collector.contributions[self.get_task_class()] except KeyError: pass self.is_registered = False
def __str__(self): """Nice string representation giving attributes values. """ msg = cleandoc('''{} with: config: {}, view : {}''') return msg.format(type(self).__name__, self.config, self.view) def _get_id(self): """Create the unique identifier of the config using the top level package and the class name. """ if ':' in self.config: path = self.get_path() c_path, config = (path + '.' + self.config if path else self.config).split(':') # Build the task id by assembling the package name and the class # name return c_path.split('.', 1)[0] + '.' + config else: return self.config