Source code for exopy.tasks.plugin

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright 2015-2018 by Exopy Authors, see AUTHORS for more details.
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD license.
# The full license is in the file LICENCE, distributed with this software.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"""Plugin centralizing the collection and managment of tasks and interfaces.

from __future__ import (division, unicode_literals, print_function,

import os
import logging
from collections import defaultdict

from atom.api import List, Dict, Typed, Unicode
from watchdog.observers import Observer

from .declarations import (Task, Interface, Tasks, Interfaces, TaskConfig,
from .filters import TaskFilter
from ..utils.plugin_tools import (HasPreferencesPlugin, ExtensionsCollector,
from ..utils.watchdog import SystematicFileUpdater

TASK_EXT_POINT = 'exopy.tasks.declarations'

FILTERS_POINT = 'exopy.tasks.filters'

CONFIG_POINT = 'exopy.tasks.configs'

FOLDER_PATH = os.path.dirname(__file__)

[docs]class TaskManagerPlugin(HasPreferencesPlugin): """Plugin responsible for collecting and providing tasks. """ #: Known templates (store full path to .ini). #: This should not be manipulated by user code. templates = Dict() #: List of the filters. filters = List() #: Path to the file in which the names for the tasks are located. auto_task_path = Unicode(os.path.join(FOLDER_PATH, 'tasknames.txt')).tag(pref=True) #: List of names to use when creating a new task. auto_task_names = List()
[docs] def start(self): """Collect all declared tasks and start observers. """ super(TaskManagerPlugin, self).start() core = self.workbench.get_plugin('enaml.workbench.core') core.invoke_command('') state = core.invoke_command('', {'state_id': ''}) t_dir = os.path.join(state.app_directory, 'tasks') # Create tasks subfolder if it does not exist. if not os.path.isdir(t_dir): os.mkdir(t_dir) temp_dir = os.path.join(t_dir, 'templates') # Create profiles subfolder if it does not exist. if not os.path.isdir(temp_dir): os.mkdir(temp_dir) self._template_folders = [temp_dir] self._filters = ExtensionsCollector(workbench=self.workbench, point=FILTERS_POINT, ext_class=TaskFilter) self._filters.start() self.filters = list(self._filters.contributions) self._configs = DeclaratorsCollector(workbench=self.workbench, point=CONFIG_POINT, ext_class=(TaskConfig, TaskConfigs)) self._configs.start() self._tasks = DeclaratorsCollector(workbench=self.workbench, point=TASK_EXT_POINT, ext_class=(Tasks, Task, Interfaces, Interface) ) self._tasks.start() self._refresh_templates() if self.auto_task_path: self.load_auto_task_names() self._bind_observers() core.invoke_command('')
[docs] def stop(self): """Discard collected tasks and remove observers. """ self._unbind_observers() self._tasks.stop() self.templates.clear() self._filters.stop() self._configs.stop()
[docs] def list_tasks(self, filter='All'): """List the known tasks using the specified filter. Parameters ---------- filter : unicode, optional Name of the filter to use Returns ------- tasks : list(unicode) or None Task ids selected by the filter, or None if the filter does not exist. """ t_filter = self._filters.contributions.get(filter) if t_filter: return t_filter.filter_tasks(self._tasks.contributions, self.templates)
[docs] def get_task_infos(self, task): """Access a given task infos. Parameters ---------- task : unicode Id of the task class for which to return the actual class. Returns ------- infos : TaskInfos or None Object containing all the infos about the requested task. This object should never be manipulated directly by user code. """ if task not in self._tasks.contributions: return None return self._tasks.contributions[task]
[docs] def get_task(self, task, view=False): """Access a given task class. Parameters ---------- task : unicode Id of the task class for which to return the actual class. view : bool, optional Whether or not to return the view assoicated with the task. Returns ------- task_cls : type or None Class associated to the requested task or None if the task was not found. task_view : EnamlDefMeta or None, optional Associated view if requested. """ infos = self.get_task_infos(task) if infos is None: answer = None if not view else (None, None) return answer return infos.cls if not view else (infos.cls, infos.view)
[docs] def get_tasks(self, tasks): """Access an ensemble of task classes. Parameters ---------- tasks : list(unicode) Ids of the task classes for which to return the actual classes. Returns ------- tasks_cls : dict Dictionary mapping the requested tasks to the actual classes. missing : list List of classes that were not found. """ tasks_cls = {} missing = [] for t in tasks: res = self.get_task(t) if res: tasks_cls[t] = res else: missing.append(t) return tasks_cls, missing
[docs] def get_interface_infos(self, interface): """Access a given interface infos. Parameters ---------- interface : unicode Id of the task this interface is linked to followed by the ids of the intermediate interfaces if any and finally id of the interface itself. All ids should be separated by ':' ex 'exopy.LoopTask:exopy.IterableLoopInterface' views : bool, optional Whether or not to return the views assoicated with the interface. Returns ------- infos : InterfaceInfos Object containing all the infos about the requested interface. this object should never be manipulated directly by user code. """ lookup_dict = self._tasks.contributions ids = interface.split(':') interface_id = ids.pop(-1) interface_anchor = ids try: for anchor in interface_anchor: lookup_dict = lookup_dict[anchor].interfaces except KeyError: logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) msg = 'Looking for {} (anchor {}) failed to found {}' logger.debug(msg.format(interface_id, interface_anchor, anchor)) return None if interface_id in lookup_dict: return lookup_dict[interface_id] else: return None
[docs] def get_interface(self, interface, views=False): """Access a given interface class. Parameters ---------- interface: tuple[unicode|tuple|list] - Name of the task class for which to return the actual class. - Name of the task to which this interface is linked and names of the intermediate interfaces if any (going from the most general ones to the more specialised ones). views : bool, optional Whether or not to return the views assoicated with the interface. Returns ------- interface_cls : type or None Class corresponding to the requested interface or None if the class was not found. views : list or None, optional List of views associated with the interface. """ infos = self.get_interface_infos(interface) if infos is not None: return infos.cls if not views else (infos.cls, infos.views) else: return None if not views else (None, None)
[docs] def get_interfaces(self, interfaces): """Access an ensemble of interface classes. Parameters ---------- interfaces : list[tuple[unicode|tuple|list]] List of pairs (name of the interface class, corrisponding anchor) for which to return the actual classes. Returns ------- interfaces_cls : dict Dictionary mapping the requested interfaces to the actual classes. missing : list List of classes that were not found. """ interfaces_cls = {} missing = [] for i in interfaces: i_cls = self.get_interface(i) if i_cls: interfaces_cls[i] = i_cls else: missing.append(i) return interfaces_cls, missing
[docs] def get_config(self, task_id): """Access the proper config for a task. Parameters ---------- task : unicode Id of the task for which a config is required Returns ------- config : tuple Tuple containing the requested config object, and its visualisation. """ templates = self.templates if task_id in templates: infos = configs = self._configs.contributions['__template__'] config = infos.cls(manager=self, template_path=templates[task_id]) return config, infos.view(config=config) elif task_id in self._tasks.contributions: configs = self._configs.contributions # Look up the hierarchy of the selected task to get the appropriate # TaskConfig task_class = self._tasks.contributions[task_id].cls for t_class in type.mro(task_class): if t_class in configs: infos = configs[t_class] c = infos.cls(manager=self, task_class=task_class) return c, infos.view(config=c) return None, None
[docs] def load_auto_task_names(self): """ Generate a list of task names from a file. """ path = self.auto_task_path if not os.path.isfile(path): core = self.workbench.get_plugin('enaml.workbench.core') msg = 'Path {} does not point to a real file.'.format(path) core.invoke_command('', dict(kind='error', message=msg)) return with open(path) as f: aux = f.readlines() self.auto_task_names = [l.rstrip() for l in aux]
# ========================================================================= # --- Private API --------------------------------------------------------- # ========================================================================= #: Dictionary storing all known tasks declarartion, using TaskInfos. _tasks = Typed(DeclaratorsCollector) #: Private storage keeping track of which extension declared which object. _extensions = Typed(defaultdict, (list,)) #: Contributed task filters. _filters = Typed(ExtensionsCollector) #: Contributed task configs. _configs = Typed(DeclaratorsCollector) #: List of folders in which to search for templates. # TODO make that list editable and part of the preferences _template_folders = List() #: Watchdog observer tracking changes to the templates folders. _observer = Typed(Observer, ()) def _refresh_templates(self): """Refresh the list of template tasks. """ # TODO rework to handle in an nicer fashion same template in multiple # folders templates = {} for path in self._template_folders: if os.path.isdir(path): filenames = sorted(f for f in os.listdir(path) if f.endswith('.task.ini') and (os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, f)))) for filename in filenames: template_path = os.path.join(path, filename) # Beware redundant names are overwrited name = filename[:-len('.task.ini')] templates[name] = template_path else: logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.warn('{} is not a valid directory'.format(path)) self.templates = templates def _update_templates(self): """Simply refresh the templates task. """ self._refresh_templates() def _update_filters(self, change): """Update the available list of filters. """ self.filters = list(change['value'].keys()) def _bind_observers(self): """Setup all observers. """ for folder in self._template_folders: handler = SystematicFileUpdater(self._update_templates) self._observer.schedule(handler, folder, recursive=True) self._observer.start() self._filters.observe('contributions', self._update_filters) def _unbind_observers(self): """Remove all observers. """ self._filters.unobserve('contributions', self._update_filters) self._observer.unschedule_all() self._observer.stop() try: self._observer.join() except RuntimeError: pass