Source code for exopy.tasks.tasks.task_interface

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright 2015-2018 by Exopy Authors, see AUTHORS for more details.
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD license.
# The full license is in the file LICENCE, distributed with this software.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"""Definition of the base classes for interfaces in tasks.

from __future__ import (division, unicode_literals, print_function,

from atom.api import (Atom, ForwardTyped, Typed, Unicode, Dict, Property,

from ...utils.traceback import format_exc
from ...utils.atom_util import HasPrefAtom, tagged_members
from .base_tasks import BaseTask
from . import validators

#: Id used to identify dependencies type.
DEP_TYPE = 'exopy.tasks.interface'

[docs]class InterfaceableMixin(Atom): """Base class for mixin used to fabricate interfaceable task or interface. This class should not be used directly, use one of its subclass. """ #: A reference to the current interface for the task. interface = ForwardTyped(lambda: BaseInterface)
[docs] def check(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Check the interface. This run the checks of the next parent class in the mro and check if a valid interface (real or default one) exists. """ test = True traceback = {} err_path = self.get_error_path() if not self.interface and not hasattr(self, 'i_perform'): traceback[err_path + '-interface'] = 'Missing interface' return False, traceback if self.interface: i_test, i_traceback = self.interface.check(*args, **kwargs) traceback.update(i_traceback) test &= i_test res = super(InterfaceableMixin, self).check(*args, **kwargs) test &= res[0] traceback.update(res[1]) return test, traceback
[docs] def prepare(self): """Prepare both the task and the interface. """ super(InterfaceableMixin, self).prepare() if self.interface: self.interface.prepare()
[docs] def perform(self, *args, **kwargs): """Implementation of perform relying on interfaces. This method will be considered as the true perform method of the task, it will either call the interface perform method or the special i_perform method if there is no interface. This is meant to provide an easy way to turn a non-interfaced task into an interfaced one : - add the mixin as the left most inherited class - rename the perform method to i_perform - create new interfaces but keep the default 'standard' behaviour. NEVER OVERRIDE IT IN SUBCLASSES OTHERWISE YOU WILL BREAK THE INTERFACE SYSTEM. """ if self.interface: return self.interface.perform(*args, **kwargs) else: return self.i_perform(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def traverse(self, depth=-1): """First yield self then interface and finally next values. """ it = super(InterfaceableMixin, self).traverse(depth) yield next(it) interface = self.interface if interface: if depth == 0: yield interface else: for i in interface.traverse(depth - 1): yield i for c in it: yield c
[docs] @classmethod def build_from_config(cls, config, dependencies): """Create a new instance using the provided infos for initialisation. Parameters ---------- config : dict(str) Dictionary holding the new values to give to the members in string format, or dictionnary like for instance with prefs. dependencies : dict Dictionary holding the necessary classes needed when rebuilding. This is assembled by the TaskManager. Returns ------- task : BaseTask Newly built task. """ new = super(InterfaceableMixin, cls).build_from_config(config, dependencies) if 'interface' in config: iclass = config['interface'].pop('interface_id') inter_class = dependencies[DEP_TYPE][iclass] new.interface = inter_class.build_from_config(config['interface'], dependencies) return new
[docs] def get_error_path(self): """Build the path to use when reporting errors during checks. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class InterfaceableTaskMixin(InterfaceableMixin): """Mixin class for defining a task using interfaces. When defining a new interfaceable task this mixin should always be the letf most class when defining the inheritance. This is due to the Python Method Resolution Order (mro) and the fact that this mixin must override methods defined in tasks. ex : MyTaskI(InterfaceableTaskMixin, MyTask): """
[docs] def register_preferences(self): """Register the task preferences into the preferences system. """ super(InterfaceableTaskMixin, self).register_preferences() if self.interface: prefs = self.interface.preferences_from_members() self.preferences['interface'] = prefs # Always make the interface the first section. if len(self.preferences.sections) > 1: ind = self.preferences.sections.index('interface') del self.preferences.sections[ind] self.preferences.sections.insert(0, 'interface')
[docs] def update_preferences_from_members(self): """Update the values stored in the preference system. """ super(InterfaceableTaskMixin, self).update_preferences_from_members() if self.interface: prefs = self.interface.preferences_from_members() self.preferences['interface'] = prefs # Always make the interface the first section. if len(self.preferences.sections) > 1: ind = self.preferences.sections.index('interface') del self.preferences.sections[ind] self.preferences.sections.insert(0, 'interface')
[docs] def get_error_path(self): """Build the path to use when reporting errors during checks. """ return self.path + '/' +
def _post_setattr_interface(self, old, new): """ Observer ensuring the interface always has a valid ref to the task and that the interface database entries are added to the task one. """ # HINT Workaround Atom _DictProxy issue. new_entries = dict(self.database_entries) if old: inter = old inter.task = None for entry in inter.database_entries: new_entries.pop(entry, None) if new: inter = new inter.task = self if isinstance(inter, InterfaceableInterfaceMixin): inter._post_setattr_interface(None, inter.interface) for entry, value in inter.database_entries.items(): new_entries[entry] = value self.database_entries = new_entries
[docs]class InterfaceableInterfaceMixin(InterfaceableMixin): """Mixin class for defining an interface using interfaces. When defining a new interfaceable task this mixin should always be the letf most class when defining the inheritance. This is due to the Python Method Resolution Order (mro) and the fact that this mixin must override methods defined in tasks. ex : MyInterface(InterfaceableTaskMixin, Interface): """
[docs] def get_error_path(self): """Build the path to use when reporting errors during checks. """ try: return self.parent.get_error_path() + '/' + type(self).__name__ except AttributeError: return '/'.join((self.task.path,, type(self).__name__))
[docs] def preferences_from_members(self): """Update the values stored in the preference system. """ prefs = super(InterfaceableInterfaceMixin, self).preferences_from_members() if self.interface: i_prefs = self.interface.preferences_from_members() prefs['interface'] = i_prefs return prefs
def _post_setattr_interface(self, old, new): """ Observer ensuring the interface always has a valid ref to the parent interface and that the interface database entries are added to the task one. """ task = self.task if task: # HINT Workaround Atom _DictProxy issue. new_entries = dict(task.database_entries) if old: inter = old inter.parent = None for entry in inter.database_entries: new_entries.pop(entry, None) if new: inter = new inter.parent = self new_entries.update(inter.database_entries) task.database_entries = new_entries
[docs]class BaseInterface(HasPrefAtom): """Base class to use for interfaces. The interface should not re-use member names used by the task to avoid issue when walking. This class should not be used directly, use one of its subclass. """ #: Identifier for the build dependency collector dep_type = Constant(DEP_TYPE).tag(pref=True) #: Id of the interface preceded by the ids of all its anchors separated by # ':'. Used for persistence purposes. interface_id = Unicode().tag(pref=True) #: Dict of database entries added by the interface. database_entries = Dict()
[docs] def check(self, *args, **kwargs): """Check that everything is alright before starting a measurement. By default tries to format all members tagged with 'fmt' and try to eval all members tagged with 'feval'. If the tag value is 'Warn', the test will considered passed but a traceback entry will be filled. """ res = True traceback = {} task = self.task err_path = task.path + '/' + for n, m in tagged_members(self, 'fmt').items(): try: val = task.format_string(getattr(self, n)) if n in self.database_entries: task.write_in_database(n, val) except Exception: if m.metadata['fmt'] != 'Warn': res = False msg = 'Failed to format %s : %s' % (n, format_exc()) traceback[err_path + '-' + n] = msg for n, m in tagged_members(self, 'feval').items(): val = m.metadata['feval'] if not isinstance(val, validators.Feval): res = False msg = 'Feval validator is not a subclass validators.Feval' else: value, f_res, msg = val.check(self, n) res &= f_res if msg: traceback[err_path + '-' + n] = msg elif value is not None and n in self.database_entries: task.write_in_database(n, value) return res, traceback
[docs] def prepare(self): """Prepare the interface to be performed. This method is called once by the parent task before starting the execution. """ pass
[docs] def perform(self, *args, **kwargs): """Method called by the parent perform method. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def traverse(self, depth=-1): """Method used by to retrieve information about a task. Parameters ---------- depth : int How deep should we stop traversing. """ yield self
[docs] @classmethod def build_from_config(cls, config, dependencies): """ Create an interface using the provided dict. """ interface = cls() interface.update_members_from_preferences(config) return interface
[docs]class TaskInterface(BaseInterface): """Base class to use when writing a task interface. The interface should not re-use member names used by the task to avoid issue when walking. """ #: A reference to the task to which this interface is linked. task = Typed(BaseTask) def _post_setattr_task(self, old, new): """Update the interface anchor when the task is set. """ pack, _ = self.__module__.split('.', 1) i_id = pack + '.' + type(self).__name__ self.interface_id = new.task_id + ':' + i_id if new else i_id
[docs]class IInterface(BaseInterface): """Base class to use when writing an interface interface. The interface should not re-use member names used by the task or parent interfaces to avoid issue when walking. """ #: A reference to the parent interface to which this interface is linked. parent = Typed(BaseInterface) #: Direct access to the task, which acts as a root parent. task = Property(cached=True) @task.getter def _get_task(self): return self.parent.task def _post_setattr_parent(self, old, new): """Reset the task property and update the interface anchor. """ pack, _ = self.__module__.split('.', 1) i_id = pack + '.' + type(self).__name__ if new: self.interface_id = self.parent.interface_id + ':' + i_id else: self.interface_id = i_id task_member = self.get_member(str('task')) # Python 2, Atom 0.x compat task_member.reset(self)