Source code for exopy.tasks.utils.building

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright 2015-2018 by Exopy Authors, see AUTHORS for more details.
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD license.
# The full license is in the file LICENCE, distributed with this software.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"""This module implements command handler related to building tasks.

from __future__ import (division, unicode_literals, print_function,

import enaml

from ..tasks.base_tasks import RootTask
from .templates import load_template

with enaml.imports():
    from ..widgets.building import (BuilderView, TemplateSelector)

[docs]def create_task(event): """Open a dialog to include a task in a task hierarchy. This function is meant to be used as a Command handler. Parameters are passed through the parameters attributes of the event object. Parameters ---------- widget : optional Optional parent widget for the dialog. Returns: ------- task : BaseTask Task selected by the user to be added to a hierarchy. """ manager = event.workbench.get_plugin('exopy.tasks') dialog = BuilderView(manager=manager, parent=event.parameters.get('widget')) result = dialog.exec_() if result: return dialog.config.build_task() else: return None
[docs]def build_task_from_config(config, build_dep, as_root=False): """Rebuild a task hierarchy from a dictionary. Parameters ---------- config : dict Dictionary representing the task hierarchy. build_dep : Workbench or dict Source of the build dependencies of the hierarchy. This can either be the application workbench or a dict of dependencies. as_root : bool, optional Allow to force building a ComplexTask as a RootTask Returns ------- task : BaseTask Newly built task. Raises ------ RuntimeError : Raised if a dependency cannot be collected. """ if not isinstance(build_dep, dict): core = build_dep.get_plugin('enaml.workbench.core') cmd = '' cont = core.invoke_command(cmd, {'obj': config}) if cont.errors: raise RuntimeError('Failed to analyse dependencies :\n%s' % cont.errors) cmd = '' cont = core.invoke_command(cmd, {'kind': 'build', 'dependencies': cont.dependencies}) if cont.errors: raise RuntimeError('Failed to collect dependencies :\n%s' % cont.errors) build_dep = cont.dependencies cls = config.pop('task_id') if as_root: return RootTask.build_from_config(config, build_dep) else: task_class = build_dep['exopy.task'][cls] return task_class.build_from_config(config, build_dep)
[docs]def build_root(event): """Create a new RootTask. This function is meant to be used as a Command handler. Parameters are passed through the parameters attributes of the event object. Parameters ---------- mode : {'from config', 'from template'} Whether to use the given config, or look for one in templates or a file. config : configobj.Section Object holding the informations necessary to build the root task. widget : optional Optional parent widget for the dialog ('from template' mode only). build_dep : optional Optionnal dict containing the build dependencies. Returns: ------- task : RootTask """ mode = event.parameters['mode'] if mode == 'from config': config = event.parameters['config'] elif mode == 'from template': manager = event.workbench.get_plugin('exopy.tasks') view = TemplateSelector(event.parameters.get('widget'), manager=manager) result = view.exec_() if result: path = view.path config, _ = load_template(path) else: msg = 'Invalid mode (%s) for build_root. Valid ones are : %s' raise ValueError(msg % (mode, ('from config', 'from template'))) if config: build_dep = event.parameters.get('build_dep', event.workbench) return build_task_from_config(config, build_dep, True) else: raise RuntimeError('No config for building')