Source code for exopy.utils.plugin_tools

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright 2015-2018 by Exopy Authors, see AUTHORS for more details.
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD license.
# The full license is in the file LICENCE, distributed with this software.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"""Useful tools to avoid code duplication when writing plugins.

from __future__ import (division, unicode_literals, print_function,

import sys
from collections import defaultdict

from future.utils import python_2_unicode_compatible
from atom.api import Atom, Dict, Unicode, Coerced, Typed, Callable, List
from enaml.workbench.api import Workbench, Plugin

from .atom_util import (update_members_from_preferences,

[docs]class HasPreferencesPlugin(Plugin): """ Base class for plugin using preferences. Simply defines the most basic preferences system inherited from HasPrefAtom. Preferences are automatically queried and saved using the plugin. """ update_members_from_preferences = update_members_from_preferences preferences_from_members = preferences_from_members
[docs] def start(self): """Upon starting initialize members using preferences. """ core = self.workbench.get_plugin('enaml.workbench.core') prefs = core.invoke_command('', {'plugin_id':}) self.update_members_from_preferences(prefs) core.invoke_command('', {'plugin_id':})
[docs]def make_handler(id, method_name): """Generate a generic handler calling a plugin method. """ def handler(event): """Handler getting the method corresponding to the command from the plugin. """ pl = event.workbench.get_plugin(id) return getattr(pl, method_name)(**event.parameters) handler.__name__ += str('_' + method_name) # Python 2 needs a bytes string return handler
[docs]def make_extension_validator(base_cls, fn_names=(), attributes=('description',)): """Create an extension validation function checking that key methods were overridden and attributes values provided. Parameters ---------- base_cls : type Base class from which the contribution should inherit. fn_names : iterable[unicode], optional Names of the function the extensions must override. attributes : iterable[unicode], optional Names of the attributes the extension should provide values for. Returns ------- validator : callable Function that can be used to validate an extension contribution. """ def validator(contrib): """Validate the children of an extension. """ for name in fn_names: member = getattr(contrib, name) # Compatibilty trick for Enaml declarative function (not necessary # for enaml compatible with Python 3) func = getattr(member, 'im_func', getattr(member, '__func__', None)) o_func = (getattr(base_cls, name) if sys.version_info >= (3,) else getattr(base_cls, name).__func__) if not func or func is o_func: msg = "%s '%s' does not declare a %s function" return False, msg % (base_cls,, name) for attr in attributes: if not getattr(contrib, attr): msg = '%s %s does not provide a %s' return False, msg % (base_cls,, attr) return True, '' doc = 'Ensure that %s subclasses does override %s' % (base_cls, fn_names) validator.__doc__ = doc return validator
[docs]@python_2_unicode_compatible class ClassTuple(tuple): """Special tuple meant to hold classes. Provides an smart constructor and a nice str representation. """ def __new__(cls, vals): if isinstance(vals, type): return tuple.__new__(ClassTuple, [vals]) else: return tuple.__new__(ClassTuple, vals) def __str__(self): return ', '.join((c.__name__ for c in self))
[docs]class BaseCollector(Atom): """Base class for automating extension collection. """ #: Reference to the application workbench. workbench = Typed(Workbench) #: Id of the extension point to observe. point = Unicode() #: Expected class(es) of the object generated by the extension. ext_class = Coerced(ClassTuple) #: Dictionary storing the consributiosn of the observed extension point. #: This should not be altered by user code. This is never modified in place #: so user code will get reliable notifications when observing it. contributions = Dict()
[docs] def start(self): """Run first collections of contributions and set up observers. This method should be called in the start method of the plugin using this object. """ self._refresh_contributions() self._bind_observers()
[docs] def stop(self): """Unbind observers and clean up ressources. This method should be called in the stop method of the plugin using this object. """ self._unbind_observers() self.unobserve('contributions') # Dicsonnect all observers self.contributions.clear() self._extensions.clear()
# ========================================================================= # --- Private API --------------------------------------------------------- # ========================================================================= #: Private storage keeping track of which extension declared which object. _extensions = Typed(defaultdict, (list,)) def _refresh_contributions(self): """ Refresh the extensions contributions. This method should be called in the start method of the plugin using this object. """ raise NotImplementedError() def _on_contribs_updated(self, change): """ The observer for the extension point """ raise NotImplementedError() def _bind_observers(self): """ Setup the observers for the extension point. This method should be called in the start method of the plugin using this object. """ workbench = self.workbench point = workbench.get_extension_point(self.point) point.observe('extensions', self._on_contribs_updated) def _unbind_observers(self): """ Remove the observers for the plugin. This method should be called in the stop method of the plugin using this object. """ workbench = self.workbench point = workbench.get_extension_point(self.point) point.unobserve('extensions', self._on_contribs_updated)
[docs]class ExtensionsCollector(BaseCollector): """Convenience class collecting an extension point contribution. This class can be used on any extension point to which extensions contribute instances of a specific class. Those object should always have an id member. """ #: Callable to use to ensure that the provide extension does fit. #: Should take the proposed contribution as single argument and return a #: bool indicating the result of the test, and a message explaining what #: went wrong (or an empty string if test passed). validate_ext = Callable(lambda e: (True, ''))
[docs] def contributed_by(self, contrib_id): """Find the extension declaring a contribution. """ contrib = self.contributions[contrib_id] for ext, cs in self._extensions.items(): if contrib in cs: return ext
# ========================================================================= # --- Private API --------------------------------------------------------- # ========================================================================= #: Private storage keeping track of which extension declared which object. _extensions = Typed(defaultdict, (list,)) def _refresh_contributions(self): """ Refresh the extensions contributions. This method should be called in the start method of the plugin using this object. """ tb = {} workbench = self.workbench point = workbench.get_extension_point(self.point) # If no extension remain clear everything if not point or not point.extensions: # Force a notification to be emitted. self.contributions = {} self._extensions.clear() return extensions = point.extensions # Get the contributions declarations for all extensions. new_extensions = defaultdict(list) old_extensions = self._extensions for extension in extensions: if extension in old_extensions: contribs = old_extensions[extension] else: try: contribs = self._load_contributions(extension) except TypeError as e: tb['Extension ' + extension.qualified_id] = '{}'.format(e) continue new_extensions[extension].extend(contribs) # Create mapping between contrib id and declaration. contribs = {} for extension in extensions: for contrib in new_extensions[extension]: if in contribs: msg = "{} attempted to register already registered '{}'" pattern = 'Duplicate ' + + '_{}' i = 0 while pattern.format(i) in tb: i += 1 tb[pattern.format(i)] = \ msg.format(extension.qualified_id, res, msg = self.validate_ext(contrib) if not res: ext = 'While loading {},'.format(extension.qualified_id) tb[] = ext + msg contribs[] = contrib self.contributions = contribs self._extensions = new_extensions if tb: core = self.workbench.get_plugin('enaml.workbench.core') core.invoke_command('', {'kind': 'extensions', 'point': self.point, 'errors': tb}) def _load_contributions(self, extension): """ Load the contributed objects for the given extension. Parameters ---------- extension : Extension The extension object of interest. Returns ------- contribs : list The objects declared by the extension. """ workbench = self.workbench contribs = extension.get_children(self.ext_class) if extension.factory is not None and not contribs: for contrib in extension.factory(workbench): if not isinstance(contrib, self.ext_class): msg = "extension '{}' created non-{}." raise TypeError(msg.format(extension.qualified_id, self.ext_class)) contribs.append(contrib) return contribs def _on_contribs_updated(self, change): """ The observer for the extension point """ self._refresh_contributions()
[docs]class DeclaratorsCollector(BaseCollector): """Class registering Declarator contributed to an extension point. This class can be used on any extension point to which extensions contribute Declarator. """ # ========================================================================= # --- Private API --------------------------------------------------------- # ========================================================================= #: Temporary list in which declarations which cannot yet be taken into #: account because another declaration has not yet been registered. _delayed = List() def _refresh_contributions(self): """Load all extensions contributed to the observed point. """ workbench = self.workbench point = workbench.get_extension_point(self.point) extensions = point.extensions self._register_decls(extensions) def _register_decls(self, extensions): """Register the declaration linked to some extensions. Handle multiple registering attempts. """ # Get the declarators for all extensions. tb = {} contributions = self.contributions.copy() new_extensions = defaultdict(list) old_extensions = self._extensions for extension in extensions: if extension not in old_extensions: try: declarators = self._get_decls(extension) except TypeError as e: tb['Extension ' + extension.qualified_id] = '{}'.format(e) continue new_extensions[extension].extend(declarators) # Register all contributions. for extension in new_extensions: for declarator in new_extensions[extension]: declarator.register(self, tb) # Handle delayed registering. old = 0 while old != len(self._delayed) and self._delayed: # Copy and clean delayed list. delayed = self._delayed[:] old = len(delayed) self._delayed = [] # Attempt to re-register delayed declarators for declarator in delayed: declarator.register(self, tb) if self._delayed: msg = 'Some declarations have not been registered : {}' tb['Missing declarations'] = msg.format(self._delayed) self._extensions.update(new_extensions) if self.contributions != contributions: c = self.contributions with self.suppress_notifications(): self.contributions = contributions self.contributions = c if tb: core = self.workbench.get_plugin('enaml.workbench.core') core.invoke_command('', {'kind': 'extensions', 'point': self.point, 'errors': tb}) def _get_decls(self, extension): """Get the task declarations declared by an extension. """ workbench = self.workbench contribs = extension.get_children(self.ext_class) if extension.factory is not None and not contribs: for contrib in extension.factory(workbench): if not isinstance(contrib, self.ext_class): msg = "Extension '{}' should create {} not {}." raise TypeError(msg.format(extension.qualified_id, self.ext_class, type(contrib).__name__)) contribs.append(contrib) return contribs def _unregister_decls(self, extensions): """Unregister the declarations linked to some extensions. """ contributions = self.contributions.copy() for extension in extensions: for declarator in extensions[extension]: declarator.unregister(self) del self._extensions[extension] if self.contributions != contributions: c = self.contributions with self.suppress_notifications(): self.contributions = contributions self.contributions = c def _on_contribs_updated(self, change): """Update the registered declarations when an extension is added/removed. """ old = set(change.get('oldvalue', ())) new = set(change['value']) # If no extension remain clear everything if not new: # Force a notification to be emitted. self.contributions = {} self._extensions.clear() return added = new - old removed = old - new self._unregister_decls({ext: d for ext, d in self._extensions.items() if ext in removed}) self._register_decls(added)