exopy.app.dependencies.plugin module

Plugin handling dependencies declarations.


Keep only the non False entry from a dict.

class exopy.app.dependencies.plugin.BuildContainer[source]

Bases: atom.atom.Atom

Class used to store infos about collected build dependencies.


Dictionary storing the collected dependencies, grouped by id.


Dictionary storing the errors which occured during collection.


Remove all empty entries from dictionaries.

class exopy.app.dependencies.plugin.RuntimeContainer[source]

Bases: exopy.app.dependencies.plugin.BuildContainer

Class used to store infos about collected runtime dependencies.


Runtime dependencies which exists but are currently used by another part of the application and hence are unavailable.


Remove all empty entries from dictionaries.

class exopy.app.dependencies.plugin.DependenciesPlugin[source]

Bases: enaml.workbench.plugin.Plugin

Dependencies manager for the application.


Contributed build dependencies.


Contributed runtime dependencies analysers.


Contributed runtime dependencies collectors.


Start the manager and load all contributions.


Stop the manager.

analyse_dependencies(obj, dependencies=['build'])[source]

Analyse the dependencies of a given object.

The object must either be a configobj.Section object or have a traverse method yielding the object and all its subcomponent suceptible to add more dependencies.

  • obj (object) – Obj whose dependencies should be analysed.

  • dependencies ({['build'], ['runtime'], ['build', 'runtime']}) – Kind of dependencies which should be gathered. Note that only build dependencies can be retrieved from a configobj.Section object.


dependencies – BuildContainer, RuntimeContaineror tuple of both according to the requested dependencies.

Return type

BuildContainer | RuntimeContainer | tuple

validate_dependencies(kind, dependencies)[source]

Validate that a set of dependencies is valid (ie exists).

  • kind ({'build', 'runtime'}) – Kind of dependency to validate.

  • dependencies (dict) – Dictionary of dependencies sorted by id. This is typically the content of the dependencies attribute of BuildContainer or RuntimeContainer.


  • result (bool) – Boolean indicating whether or not all dependencies are valid.

  • errors (dict) – Dictionary containing the errors which occured. Those are stored by dependency id and by dependency.

collect_dependencies(kind, dependencies, owner=None)[source]

Collect that a set of dependencies.

For runtime dependencies if permissions are necessary to use a dependence they are requested and should released when they are no longer needed.

  • kind ({'build', 'runtime'}) – Kind of dependency to validate.

  • dependencies (dict) – Dictionary of dependencies sorted by id. This is typically the content of the dependencies attribute of BuildContainer or RuntimeContainer.

  • owner (unicode, optional) – Calling plugin id. Used for some runtime dependencies needing to know the ressource owner.


dependencies – BuildContainer, RuntimeContainer or tuple of both according to the requested dependencies.

Return type

BuildContainer | RuntimeContainer | tuple

release_runtimes(owner, dependencies)[source]

Release runtime dependencies previously acquired (collected).

  • owner (unicode) – Id of the plugin releasing the ressources.

  • dependencies (dict) – Dictionary containing the runtime dependencies to release organised by id.