exopy.measurement.engines.process_engine.engine_declaration module

Declaration of the ProcessEngine and workspace related contribution.

class exopy.measurement.engines.process_engine.engine_declaration.ProcFilter

Bases: atom.atom.Atom

Filter accepting or rejecting a log according to its process of origin.


Accept or reject a log according to its process of origin.


A value of type unicode.

By default, plain strings will be promoted to unicode strings. Pass strict=True to the constructor to enable strict unicode checking.


A value of type bool.

class exopy.measurement.engines.process_engine.engine_declaration.ProcessEngine(parent=None, **kwargs)

Bases: exopy.measurement.engines.base_engine.Engine

Manifest contributing the ProcessEngine to the MeasurementPlugin.


A value which allows objects of a given type or types.

Values will be tested using the PyObject_IsInstance C API call. This call is equivalent to isinstance(value, kind) and all the same rules apply.

The value of an Instance may be set to None.

class exopy.measurement.engines.process_engine.engine_declaration.SubprocessLogPanel(parent=None, **kwargs)

Bases: enaml.widgets.dock_item.DockItem

Log panel used to display the message coming from the subprocess.


A value which allows objects of a given type or types.

Values will be tested using the PyObject_IsInstance C API call. This call is equivalent to isinstance(value, kind) and all the same rules apply.

The value of an Instance may be set to None.