exopy.measurement.workspace.manifest module

Definition of the workspace content and contributed menus.

class exopy.measurement.workspace.manifest.MeasurementSpaceMenu(parent=None, **kwargs)

Bases: enaml.workbench.plugin_manifest.PluginManifest

Contribution to the main window of the MeasurementSpace.


A value which allows objects of a given type or types.

Values will be tested using the PyObject_IsInstance C API call. This call is equivalent to isinstance(value, kind) and all the same rules apply.

The value of an Instance may be set to None.

class exopy.measurement.workspace.manifest.MoreVisibleLabel(parent=None, **kwargs)

Bases: enaml.styling.StyleSheet

Style sheet allowing to use a large font for the save confirmation popup

class exopy.measurement.workspace.manifest.SaveConfirm(parent=None, **kwargs)

Bases: enaml.widgets.popup_view.PopupView

Popup signaling that a measurement was correctly saved.


A value which allows objects of a given type or types.

Values will be tested using the PyObject_IsInstance C API call. This call is equivalent to isinstance(value, kind) and all the same rules apply.

The value of an Instance may be set to None.


Load a measurement stored in a config file.


Create a new measurement using a task template as root.


Create a new blank measurement.


Save a measurement.


Save a measurement to a location specified by the user.