exopy.measurement.workspace.measurement_edition module

Widget related to measurement edition tasks.

class exopy.measurement.workspace.measurement_edition.ComplexMenu(parent=None, **kwargs)

Bases: enaml.widgets.menu.Menu

Menu for tasks inheriting from ComplexTask (ie task with children).


A value which allows objects of a given type or types.

Values will be tested using the PyObject_IsInstance C API call. This call is equivalent to isinstance(value, kind) and all the same rules apply.

The value of an Instance may be set to None.


A value which allows objects of a given type or types.

Values will be tested using the PyObject_IsInstance C API call. This call is equivalent to isinstance(value, kind) and all the same rules apply.

The value of an Instance may be set to None.

class exopy.measurement.workspace.measurement_edition.MeasEditionView(parent=None, **kwargs)

Bases: enaml.widgets.container.Container

Main view for measurement edition.


A value which allows objects of a given type or types.

Values will be tested using the PyObject_IsInstance C API call. This call is equivalent to isinstance(value, kind) and all the same rules apply.

The value of an Instance may be set to None.


A value which allows objects of a given type or types.

Values will be tested using the PyObject_IsInstance C API call. This call is equivalent to isinstance(value, kind) and all the same rules apply.

The value of an Instance may be set to None.


A value which allows objects of a given type or types.

Values will be tested using the PyObject_IsInstance C API call. This call is equivalent to isinstance(value, kind) and all the same rules apply.

The value of an Instance may be set to None.


A value which allows objects of a given type or types.

Values will be tested using the PyObject_IsInstance C API call. This call is equivalent to isinstance(value, kind) and all the same rules apply.

The value of an Instance may be set to None.

class exopy.measurement.workspace.measurement_edition.MeasureEditorDialog(parent=None, **kwargs)

Bases: enaml.widgets.dialog.Dialog

Dialog allowing to re-edit a measurement once it is in the queue.

class exopy.measurement.workspace.measurement_edition.MeasurementEditorDockItem(parent=None, **kwargs)

Bases: exopy.measurement.workspace.measurement_edition._MeasDockItem

DockItem used for editing a measurement, main component of the workspace content.

class exopy.measurement.workspace.measurement_edition.SaveAction(parent=None, **kwargs)

Bases: enaml.widgets.action.Action

Action used to save task as a template.


A value which allows objects of a given type or types.

Values will be tested using the PyObject_IsInstance C API call. This call is equivalent to isinstance(value, kind) and all the same rules apply.

The value of an Instance may be set to None.


A value which allows objects of a given type or types.

Values will be tested using the PyObject_IsInstance C API call. This call is equivalent to isinstance(value, kind) and all the same rules apply.

The value of an Instance may be set to None.

class exopy.measurement.workspace.measurement_edition.SimpleMenu(parent=None, **kwargs)

Bases: enaml.widgets.menu.Menu

Menu for tasks inheriting from SimpleTask (ie task with no children).


A value which allows objects of a given type or types.

Values will be tested using the PyObject_IsInstance C API call. This call is equivalent to isinstance(value, kind) and all the same rules apply.

The value of an Instance may be set to None.


A value which allows objects of a given type or types.

Values will be tested using the PyObject_IsInstance C API call. This call is equivalent to isinstance(value, kind) and all the same rules apply.

The value of an Instance may be set to None.

class exopy.measurement.workspace.measurement_edition.TaskCopyAction(parent=None, **kwargs)

Bases: enaml.widgets.action.Action

Copies the current task object to the paste buffer.


A value which allows objects of a given type or types.

Values will be tested using the PyObject_IsInstance C API call. This call is equivalent to isinstance(value, kind) and all the same rules apply.

The value of an Instance may be set to None.


A value which allows objects of a given type or types.

Values will be tested using the PyObject_IsInstance C API call. This call is equivalent to isinstance(value, kind) and all the same rules apply.

The value of an Instance may be set to None.

class exopy.measurement.workspace.measurement_edition.TaskTreeNode(parent=None, **kwargs)

Bases: exopy.utils.widgets.tree_nodes.TreeNode

Common settings for tree nodes for tasks.


Call the Command responsible for building a task.