5. Writing and running tests

Unit tests are one of the few ways to discover bugs beforehand and to prevent regressions when updating the code base. Exopy aims at being covered at 100% (meaning that tests must run every single line of code at least once). Coverage is not always a perfect metric as it is not because a line does not crash that the code does what it is meant to but it is a good indicator. Actually GUI elements written in Enaml are not tracked by the coverage, BUT they should be tested nonetheless.


The test suite is not distributed with pip packages or conda packages as it is solely a developing tool. However some tools used in testing and that may be useful to other packages can be found under the ‘testing’ package.


Running the test suite requires :

5.1. Writing test using pytest

The library used for writing the tests for Exopy is pytest. Writing a test is as easy as creating a module whose name starts by ‘test_’ and inside write functions themselves prefixed by ‘test_’. Inside a test function the correct behaviour of the program should be tested (using assertions as described in the next section). Test should focus on testing elementary operation at the highest level possible (avoiding direct access to private methods is likely to make the test easier to maintain if the code changes, note that this however not always possible).

5.1.1. Assertions

Python provides the ‘assert’ statement to check that a boolean is True. Usually one should provide also an error message describing why the assertion failed. One very interesting feature of pytest is that it can analyse assertions and provide automatically detailed error reporting in case of failure.

So testing a function which should return one is as easy as :

def test_my_function():

    assert my_function() == 100%

Sometimes a function should raise an exception in a given situation and it might desirable to check that it indeed do so. Pytest provides a context handler to handle this case.

def test_my_other_function():

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

Another case which often arises in Exopy if the need to handle a dialog opened by the function. To handle this case one can use the handle_dialog() context manager found in ‘exopy.testing.util’ (note a bunch of other useful function are defined in this module):

def my_function_dialog():

    def handler(dialog):
        # Do something with the dialog

    with handle_dialog('accept', handler):

The first argument indicates whether to accept or reject the dialog, and the second allows to modify the attributes of the dialog. Both arguments are optional.

5.1.2. Fixtures

Usually when testing the methods of an object, all tests have in common some initialisation steps and sometimes also some finalisation steps to clean up after the tests.

To avoid duplicating a lot of code Pytest provides fixture functions. A fixture function is imply a function decorated with @pytest.fixture’ (or @pytest.yield_fixture’) which, when passed as argument of a test function, will be called automatically by pytest. Standard fixture simply gives access to a value, yield_fixture allow to cleanup after the test execution. Note that a fixture can rely on another fixture.

def tool():
    return 1

def clean_tool(tool):
    yield tool  # This will pass 1 to the test function
    del tool  # This is executed after the test function (no matter the errors)

def test_my_function(clean_tool):
    assert clean_tool == 1

Pytest provides some useful fixtures :

  • monkeypatch : an object with a setattr method to modify some code and be sure theat the modification will be removed before running the next text.

  • tmpdir : a temporary directory (should be converted to unicode before passing it to ‘os’ module functions)

Exopy add some other :

  • app : fixture ensuring that the Application is running (mandatory for testing widgets).

  • windows : fixtures closing all opened windows after a test.

  • app_dir : return the automatically set path for the application

  • dialog_sleep : return the time to sleep as specified by the –exopy-sleep option

The other fixtures can be found in the testing package. Each subpackage usually defining a fixture.py module in which those are defined.

If a fixture need to be available in multiple test module it can be defined in a conftest.py module inside the package. If the fixture can be of use to other packages it should be defined in a fixtures.py module inside the testing package.


If a fixture is defined in a fixtures.py module, one should add a ‘pytest_plugin’ variable at the top of the test module with a list of all the module containing fixtures to load (modules should be specified using their full path).

ex : pytest_plugins = [str(‘exopy.testing.instruments.fixtures’)]


More details about fixtures can be found in the pytest documentation_

5.2. Running the test suite

To run the test suite, one should invoke pytest from the command line. First the command line should be made to point at the root of the ‘exopy’ folder (containing both the ‘exopy’ and the ‘tests’ packages). Then one can invoke pytest using the ‘py.test tests’ command.

To run only tests linked to a limited part of the application one can specify the path of the packages containing the tests or even the module.

>>> py.test tests/measurement/monitors

To run only a single function one should specify specify its name after the name of the module and separate them using ‘::’.

>>> py.test tests/measurement/test_measurement.py::test_tool_handling

Of course pytest can take command line arguments, please refer to the pytest documentation_ for more details.

Currently, Exopy add a single argument ‘–exopy-sleep’ which fix the time return by the dialog_sleep feature and can hence allow to visually test GUI elements.

5.2.1. Checking coverage

Checking coverage is just a matter of invoking pytest with the right arguments. First one should specify the packages/modules whose coverage should be monitored. This is done using the ‘–cov’ argument as follow :

>>> py.test tests --cov exopy

By default the format under which coverage is reported is not extremely useful, so one should specify ‘–cov-report’ to be either ‘term-missing’ (that will list the line not covered by the tests in the console) or ‘html’ which will produce a report in html which can be access by opening the created index.html file.

>>> py.test tests --cov exopy --cov-report term-missing