1. Installation

1.1. Compatibility

Exopy is compatible with Python 2.7 and 3.4 or later.

Linux, Windows and OSX should all work as long as Qt 4 or Qt 5 is supported by the platform.

1.2. Installing using Conda

The easiest way to install exopy and get updates is by using Conda, a cross-platform package manager and software distribution maintained by Continuum Analytics. You can either use Anaconda to get the full stack in one download, or Miniconda which will install the minimum packages needed to get started.

Once you have conda installed, just type:

$ conda install -c exopy exopy


$ conda update -c exopy exopy


The -c option select the exopy channel on <http://anaconda.org> as Exopy is not part of the standard Python stack.

1.3. Installing from source

Exopy itself is a pure python package and as such is quite easy to install from source, to do so just use :

The dependencies of Exopy however can be more cumbersome to install. You can find the list in the setup.py script at the root of the Exopy repository.

1.4. Checking your installation

You should then be able to start exopy using the exopy command in a command line or the launcher present in the Anaconda Launcher if you are using Anaconda.

In case this does not work you can run the application from the command line using:

$ python -m exopy -s

This allows to display the error log directly in the console which should allow you to track down the origin of the issue.